This card is a message from your Angels asking you to trust your inner wisdom.
Sometimes you worry about your decision-making abilities because in the past, some of your choices seemed unwise.
Yet if you truly think about it, you ultimately learned and gained a lot from them. In that way, you can't make a wrong decision, can you?
In this instance, you're concerned with following God's will. You'll know that you're on the best path when your actions are guided by a peaceful feeling. If there's some part of you that doesn't feel good about what you're doing, then you're veering from the truth.
Sometimes staying
on track means taking what seems to be the most difficult route. Your Angels ask you to trust in their ever-present love, support, and protection.
If you're making some major life changes, then your continued prayers will help you stay connected to your Divine Guidance. Like a pilot who is constantly checking in with the air-traffic controllers, you must speak and listen to Heaven as you go along. Trust the messages of ethics, truth, and love. They're real and they're the wisest choice for you to make.
Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Saints and Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
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