Focused Intention
Message from Diana: "Tenacity means sticking to a decision and not allowing outside forces to sway you. Imagine yourself to be like a mighty oak tree, with your roots deeply planted into Mother
Earth. Feel your solid strength and steady upward growth. Know that, no matter what happens, you will succeed! Your branches may twist and turn as you flex toward the light, yet your unwavering intentions will ensure that no faint wind will sway you from your mission. Be in charge of your body, your schedule, and your mind, and keep them focused upon your target! "
Various Meanings of This Card:

About Diana (pronounced Dy-AN-uh):
This Roman Moon Goddess carries the silver bow and arrow given to her in childhood by her father, Jupiter. Because her mother bore Diana and her twin brother painlessly, Diana is associated with healthy childbirth. Diana loves to spend time out in nature, and is particularly fond of oak trees and watching over wild animals. You can call upon her to help you with animals, painless childbirth, and connecting with nature and the elementals. 

Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Saints and Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
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