Birth of King Charles VIII of France


He was the eldest son of the conniving, reclusive and unpopular Louis XI and Charlotte of Savoy.
The young prince was pleasant and likeable, and later dubbed 'Charles the Affable'
However, he could also be a bit flighty and impatient.
Charles medical condition was reported to be quite poor, but it didn't prevent him from partaking in many physical activities, and being involved on the battlefield

He wasn't very tall, had a big head, short crooked legs and had six toes on each foot!
Despite these ungainly attributes, Charles had an unhealthy obsession for women - and followed these pleasures with great enthusiasm!!

Due to his poor health and limited intelligence, the first few years of his reign, was in the hands of a regency.
This consisted of his sister Anne and her husband Pierre de Bourbon.

Anne was not happy with the marriage, and arrived at her wedding with two beds!
Their marriage was not an overly happy one, however Anne would give birth to six children, who sadly, all died young.

After spending time watching the tennis and chatting to courtiers, Charles apparently collapsed.
The king was attended by his physicians, who insisted he not be moved.
Instead, the ailing monarch was laid on a makeshift bed made of timber slats - where he spent his final hours of life.
He was just 27 years old.

The French throne passed to his cousin Louis of Orléans, who became Louis XII and ruled for 17 years.
The new king also married Charles’ twenty-one year-old widow, Anne.

Some said that he received 'boucon italiano' - poison from Italy.
Charles supposedly finished his lunch with an orange especially brought to him by the future Louis XII...
The Tudor Intruders (and more)


After Jean Perréal
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