
While Henry VII is not similarly known for his looks, at the time of their marriage, he is described as being quite attractive, and the two were thought to make ‘a striking couple.’

The event was delayed by Elizabeth's pregnancy and later, rebellion.
Their first child, Arthur, was born on the 20th September 1486, almost eight months to the day, of their wedding.

They were never very far from each other.
Henry VII was a very reserved man, but there were two cases in particular were he could not hide his feelings.
The death of his son Arthur, and that of his wife.

Henry’s first reaction to the news, was to immediately send for Elizabeth so that they could share their sorrow.
Both Henry and Elizabeth went into great mourning, and it would seem that the couple relied on each other in this time of crisis.

Elizabeth of York also attempted to help her husband through this.
Allegedly, Elizabeth tried to comfort her husband by reminding him that having only one son, was no sign that their dynasty should not survive.
After all he had been the only son of Margaret Beaufort but he had still survived to become King of England.
"And God had still left them with a very healthy son, and two equally strong daughters".

In early 1503 she went into confinement in the Tower of London.
Some weeks before expected, Elizabeth went into labour, which was apparently a difficult one and the Queen became feverish.
Henry not waiting for news at one of his palaces, was pacing up and down outside Elizabeth's chambers.

Unfortunately, the baby died eight days later on the 10th February. Elizabeth’s fever deteriorated after the birth, and she died a day after her baby, it was Elizabeth's 37th birthday.

He is reported to have "privily departed to a solitary place and would no man should resort unto him".
Elizabeth was given a magnificent funeral, with no expense spared - considering Henry VII's great dislike of spending money on anything- this is yet another sign of his affection for his Queen.

In due time Henry would lie next to her again.
Elizabeth was mourned deeply by her family, and Henry had the Tower of London abandoned as a royal residence.
He did not lodge there for the rest of his life.
He remembered his wife every year, and on February 11th bells were rung, masses were sung and a hundred candles were lit in her memory.

Some inquiries were made to the Dowager Queen of Naples, but in the end, Henry would not have Elizabeth replaced, and he died a widower.
Elizabeth had been such a calming factor on Henry's temper, because after her death he grew more and more prone to depression and paranoia - something his surviving son, Henry VIII, would inherit.

He suffered recurring bouts of illnesses after his initial collapse when he lost his wife.
In early 1509 he fell ill for the last time.
Once again he retreated to Richmond, allowing very few people near him.
Suffering from tuberculosis, Henry declined quickly and died on 21st April 1509.
He was, of course, buried beside his beloved Elizabeth.


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