Elizabeth Tudor

Elizabeth was born on 2nd July 1492 at Sheen Palace in Surrey.

Her body was placed in the choir of the king's chapel, for eleven days, with masses and requiems sung every day.
She was covered by a pall of cloth of gold, with her coat of arms on it, and on lozenges around the chapel.

The hearse was placed in the choir with a cloth of black, fringed with red and white roses and lettered in gold "Jesus est amor meus".
The next day after mass, her body was carried to the grave.

On top of the monument is a finely polished slab of black Lydian, upon which, were placed inscriptions to Elizabeth, and her effigy of copper gilt, both of which have now disappeared with time.
The Latin from the inscription can be translated~
"Elizabeth, second child of Henry the Seventh King of
England, France and Ireland and of the most serene lady
Queen Elizabeth his consort, who was born on the second day
of the month of July in the year of Our Lord 1492, and died
on the 14th day of the month of September in the year of Our
Lord 1495, upon whose soul may God have mercy.

Their final two children, Edmund, died in 1500 at the age of 15 months, and Katherine (who died in 1503 shortly after birth) were laid to rest by young Elizabeth's side.


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