
This is not only because of its extraordinary popularity, but also because the expression on the girl's face is difficult to capture and explain.
She wears a blue and gold turban, the titular pearl earring, and a gold jacket with a visible white collar beneath.
Unlike many of Vermeer’s subjects, she is not concentrating on a daily chore and unaware of her viewer.
Instead, caught in a fleeting moment, she turns her head over her shoulder, meeting the viewer’s gaze with her eyes wide and lips parted as if about to speak.

The name of the girl depicted is unknown.
“Girl with a Pearl Earring” is technically not even a portrait, but a “troni”, a Dutch word for a person's head, but not a complete portrait.

Between 2012 and 2014, Girl with a Pearl Earring went on tour to the USA, Italy, and Japan.
Everywhere she went, she gathered huge crowds, which finally strengthened its status as one of the most famous paintings in history.
The painting is kept in the Mauritshuis gallery in The Hague.


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