Louis XIV


He had been king for 72 years, the longest reign in the history of France.
Originally, his doctor, diagnosed sciatica, but the pain was always in the same place.
Shortly afterwards, black marks appeared, indicating senile gangrene.
Senile gangrene is a form of gangrene occurring particularly in old people, and usually caused by insufficient blood supply due to degeneration of the walls of the smaller arteries.

He fully intended to do his duty to the end.
However, on 25th August, he was forced to remain in bed, and thereafter never left his bedchamber.

The doctors were powerless.
But the poor king took longer than expected, to die.

The king did feel better afterwards, but the damage had been done, and on 30th and 31st August, he began to drift in and out of consciousness.
On the morning of 1st September he died.

On the 9th September 1715, Louis XIV was laid to rest at Saint-Denis, the burial place of the kings of France.


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