The Boston Strangler

 "The Boston Strangler" is a crime thriller film released in 1968, directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Tony Curtis and Henry Fonda. The film is based on the true story of the Boston Strangler, a serial killer who terrorized Boston in the early 1960s.

The film follows John S. Bottomly (Henry Fonda) the lead detective tasked with investigating the case. As the body count rises and the city is gripped by fear, Bottomly and his team race against time to catch the perpetrator before he strikes again.

"The Boston Strangler" is praised for its tense atmosphere, gripping storytelling, and strong performances from the cast. The film effectively captures the paranoia and hysteria that swept through Boston during the Strangler's reign of terror, as well as the challenges faced by law enforcement in apprehending such a cunning and elusive killer.

For fans of true crime dramas and psychological thrillers, "The Boston Strangler" offers a chilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience that remains relevant and compelling to this day.


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