Castel Varco

Castel Varco or also Castel Laimburg (Laimburg in German) is the ruins of a castle located on the Monte di Mezzo pass (Mitterberg) which separates Lake Caldaro and Vadena, in South Tyrol.
The castle was built in the thirteenth century by the lords of Laimburg as their residence. For a short time it was also used as the judicial seat of Caldaro.
From the late Middle Ages to the early modern period, the castle included its own judicial district, still attested in 1488 as the Laymburger gericht. In addition to Vadena (Oberviertl and Unterviertl) the hamlets Stadl, Kreith, Klughammer, Gmund and Piglon also belonged to it.
The castle fell into disrepair in the seventeenth century.
In 2002 it underwent a complete renovation in order to preserve the ruins which were in a poor state of conservation.
The castle today
Despite the restoration, today the castle appears as a ruin. What remains are essentially the perimeter walls and part of the keep. The roof has disappeared.
The "Laimburg" agricultural and forestry experimentation center, owned by the province of Bolzano, which is located just below it, takes its name and logo from the ruins of the castle. A well-known wine cellar and a service area on the A22 motorway are also named after the castle.
Above the Varco castle rises, on a peak of Monte di Mezzo, the Castelchiaro, another castle-ruin that can be reached on foot via a path.
^ Hannes Obermair, Bozen SĆ¼d–Bolzano North. Schriftlichkeit und urkundliche Ɯberlieferung der Stadt Bozen bis 1500, vol. 2, Bolzano, City of Bolzano, 2008, pp. 197, no. 1241, ISBN 978-88-901870-1-8.
^ Otto Stolz, Politisch-historische Landesbeschreibung von SĆ¼dtirol (Schlern-Schriften, 40), Innsbruck, Wagner 1937, pp. 201-203.
(DE) Richard Staffler, Die Grenzbereitung des Bozner Stadt- und Landgerichtes vom Jahre 1779. In Der Schlern, 16, 1935, pp. 347–353 (with the exact determination of the Laimburg district from 1780, on p. 352).
(DE, IT) Kofler-Engl, Waltraud (ed.), Die Laimburg-Geschichte, ArchƤologie, Restaurierung/The castle of Laimburg-history, archeology, restoration (Forschungen zur Denkmalpflege in SĆ¼dtirol, 2), Bolzano, Athesia, 2006 ISBN 978-88-8266-398-8
(DE) Gustav Pfeifer, Christian Terzer, Laimburg, in Tiroler Burgenbuch, vol. X: Ɯberetsch und SĆ¼dtiroler Unterland, Bolzano, Athesia, 2011, pp. 267–280.
Related items
Caldaro lake
Other projects
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External links
"Laimburg" Agricultural and Forestry Experimental Centre, su
Cantina Laimburg, su šŸ‘‰ Wikipedia šŸ“ø: Llorenzi CC BY-SA 3.0


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