Henry VI

21 May 1471 Death of Henry VI, King of England from the age of 9 months from 1422-61 & 1470-1, the only person in history to be crowned King of England in England AND King of France in France. He was 49. Unable to control factions, his rule slipped into the Wars of the Roses.
So. I've gone with death. It could well have been murder, though I'd suggest natural causes is written off far too easily given Henry's extensive health problems. There's lots of speculation that the future Richard III killed him, but absolutely no proof in a court in which Shakespeare is not evidence. The only thing that is certain is that if he was murdered, it was on the orders of Edward IV, whoever actually did it.
The Crowland Chronicle suggests the murderer was still alive in 1486, wishing them time to repent for their deed, which would mean he didn't believe it was Richard III (or Edward IV).


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