Trivia of Richard Cromwell

 Trivia of Richard Cromwell (8 January 1910 - 11 October 1960)

*LeRoy Melvin Radabaugh (later Richard Cromwell), was born in Long Beach, California.In 1918, his father died suddenly, one of the millions of people who perished during the "Spanish flu" pandemic.
*Radabaugh enrolled as a teenager in the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles on a scholarship. He ran a shop in Hollywood where he sold pictures, made lampshades, and designed colour schemes for houses, including decorating a bathroom for Colleen Moore and designing a house that he rented to Cole Porter.His artwork, which tended to oil painting and mask-making, was impressive enough for him to be a commissioned "artist to the stars" for a time. Film legends Anna Q. Nilsson, Colleen Moore, Tallulah Bankhead, Beatrice Lillie, Carole Lombard, Joan Crawford and the notoriously reclusive Greta Garbo were among his illustrious clientèle.
*He starting his screen debut as an extra in the film King of Jazz (1930).With smooth and boyish good looks, Richard Cromwell quickly cast as leading man in Columbia Studio film "Tol'able David (1930)".With no previous professional experience, Richard lived up to all the hype once the reviews came out, giving a terrific debut performance in a very difficult role.
*His best known role was in the best picture nominee The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) in which he received co-star billing alongside Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone.
*He appeared as Henry Fonda's brother, who kills a man in a duel of honor, in Jezebel (1938) , and as a defendant in Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) starring Fonda again, Cromwell drifted into secondary features.
*Co-starring with Rochelle Hudson in three movies : Life Begins at 40 (1932), Poppy (1938), Storm Over Bengal (1938).
*Cromwell was married once, briefly (1945–1946), to actress Angela Lansbury, when she was 19 and Cromwell was 35.They married in a small civil ceremony on September 27, 1945.Cromwell made just one statement to the press regarding his wife of nine months and one of her habits: "All over the house, tea bags. In the middle of the night she'd get up and start drinking tea. It nearly drove me crazy."While Lansbury have stated that Cromwell was gay.However Cromwell and Lansbury remained friends until Cromwell's death in.Lansbury and Cromwell have stars within walking distance of each other on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Another facts, Cromwell and Lansbury died on the same date : October 11.
*He had been cast in the film The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961) starring singer Jimmie Rodgers but diagnosed with liver cancer shortly thereafter, he was forced to withdraw from the production. Chill Wills replaced him in the role. Richard died on October 11, 1960, and was interred in Santa Ana, California.


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