Flora Macdonald

Onward the sailors cry.
Carry the lad that’s born to be King,
Over the sea to Skye.”

The part that Flora played in the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie over the sea to Skye, is immortalised in the ‘Skye Boat Song’ published in 1884.

After two months on the run, he arrived at the island of South Uist where he met 24-year-old Flora.
After some initial hesitation, Flora agreed to help the Prince escape.

The Prince was disguised as Betty Burke, an Irish spinning maid.
They set sail in a small boat from Benbecula on 27th June 1746, not to the mainland but to Skye, landing in Kilmuir at what is today called Rudha Phrionnsa (Prince’s Point).

Charles is said to have presented Flora with a locket containing his portrait.
They never met again.
Charles died in Rome on 31st January 1788.

She was released in 1747 and returned to Scotland.
But this was not the end of Flora’s adventures....

With her husband in debt, in 1774 the family emigrated to North Carolina with their elder children, leaving the younger ones behind in Scotland.
The MacDonalds arrived in the New World just as the American Revolution was brewing.
Flora and her family, like many Highlanders, took the side of the British.

Flora was forced into hiding, while the American rebels destroyed the family plantation and she lost everything.

But her adventures continued; the ship she was travelling on was attacked by French privateers.
This remarkable lady is said to have refused to go below during the fighting, and was wounded in the arm.

Flora MacDonald died on 5th March 1790 and is buried at Kilmuir on Skye, her body wrapped in a sheet in which Bonnie Prince Charlie had slept.
Poet Samuel Johnson’s tribute to her is engraved on her memorial:
‘Flora MacDonald.
Preserver of Prince Charles Edward Stuart.
Her name will be mentioned in history and if courage and fidelity be virtues, mentioned with honour.’



Ashmolean Museum Oxford.
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