Anne of Cleves



She was also told of the lands and annuities she could expect with her new position as the “King’s beloved Sister”
This position gave her precedence over almost every other lady of the kingdom.

"I was told by divers of the Council of the doubts
concerning our marriage, and how petition was
made that the same might be examined by the
clergy and I consented to this.
Though this case must needs be both hard and
sorrowful for me, for the great love which I bear to
your most noble person, I accept and approve the
decision of the clergy, whereby I neither can nor will
repute myself your Grace’s wife, considering this
sentence and your Majesty’s pure and clean living
with me.
For all this, I hope I will sometimes have the
pleasure of your most noble presence, which I shall
esteem for a great benefit.
The Lords and others of your Council now with me
have put me in comfort that your Highness will take
me for your sister, for the which I most humbly thank
you accordingly.
Beseeching the Almighty to send the King long life
and good health.
Your Majesty’s most humble sister and servant,
Anne the daughter of Cleves"
The Tudor Intruders (and more)

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