Rather than follow the crowd, you're being guided to break away from the pack and "take the road less traveled." Instead of feeling like you're a square peg in a round hole, you're being encouraged to build your own "square hole."
By drawing this card, you
are being called upon to step up to the plate and celebrate your uniqueness,
At this tinie, you must have the courage to speak your truth and march to the beat of vour own drum despite the opinions of those around you. What others think of you isn't your business anyway, and it's impossible to please everybody, so you must focus on pleasing yourself.
As you honour your individuality and feelings, you will reclaim your personal power and enhance your connection to Source. When you do so, you can make your dreams come true.
In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to embrace your individuality. As you step into your power as your true, authentic self, you will improve your relationships with others and your overall quality of life.

“I embrace my individuality and become my true, authentic self.”
Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Numerology Guidance Cards by Michelle Buchanan
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