Joanna Of Castile


Joanna worshipped him, Philip found Joanna beautiful and charming, but not worth staying faithful to.
His infidelities often sent Joanna into jealous rages and depressive tailspins, earing her the name of Juana la Loca.

Even though Joanna was now one of the most powerful women in the world, she still had to deal with her tool of a husband.
Philip’s cruelty went way beyond affairs.
He also isolated Joanna and held her hostage in her own castle, on many occasions.

He told everyone that Joanna was crazy. and insisted that he had no choice but to imprison her for her own safety, and the safety of those around her.
But despite Philip’s best efforts to lock up his wife, the people of Castile agreed Joanna wasn't crazy.
Despite Philip's montrous treatment his wife, Joanna still loved him deeply.

But then, something strange happened.
Philip attended a banquet, drank a big glass of water, and suddenly fell terribly ill.
As Philip fought for the last vestiges of his life, Joanna stayed by her husband’s bedside.
Devoted to the last.
He died on 25th September 1506, at just 28 years old.

In fact, the loss sent her spiralling into madness.....again.
For a considerable period, Joanna simply refused to leave her husband’s already embalmed body.
During this time, she was also six months pregnant with their final child Catherine, so understandably her mental state might have been all over the place.

After he was buried and in the ground, she reportedly ordered his body exhumed, had the casket opened, jumped to his side once again, and kissed his dearly departed feet.
From this point, wherever Joanna went, so did Philip’s casket.

She didn’t want other women tempting Philip of Burgundy’s body out of his casket, during those daytime hours.

It was simply transported to be with her at meals and her bedside. She only occasionally opened it to gaze upon her beloved’s pretty, and no doubt rapidly decomposing face.
Only years later was Philip finally laid to rest again.
Of course, this was apparently right outside of Joanna’s window, where his notorious eye could wander no more.......



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