
 "Underground" is a 1928 British silent film directed by Anthony Asquith. The film is set in London and explores the lives of workers in the London Underground railway system.

The story revolves around Bill (Brian Aherne), a worker in the Underground, and Nell (Elissa Landi), a young woman who becomes entangled in his life. As Bill struggles with the challenges of his job and the pressures of poverty, Nell becomes involved in a love triangle between Bill and his friend, Bert (Cyril McLaglen).

"Underground" is notable for its realistic portrayal of working-class life in London during the 1920s. It captures the harsh conditions faced by Underground workers, as well as the social and economic inequalities of the time.

The film also features innovative cinematography and editing techniques, including dynamic camera movements and expressive lighting, which add to its dramatic impact.

"Underground" is appreciated by cinephiles for its historical significance and its portrayal of urban life in interwar Britain. 


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