Chief American Horse, Sioux

Chief American Horse, Sioux

Chief American Horse (the younger) is one of the Indian Chiefs listed as either a visitor or a student at the Carlisle School.
Chief American Horse was Oglala Lakota, born in 1840 in the Black Hills of South Dakota, he died in 1908 on the Pine Ridge Reservation. His adult Native name was Wasicun Thasunke, or, “He Has a White Man’s Horse.” His childhood Native name was Manishnee or “Cannot Walk” or “Played Out.” His nickname was Spider. He was the son of Sitting Bear (father) and Walks With (mother.) His wife was the daughter of Chief Red Cloud. His children were Ben American Horse, Samuel American Horse and Maggie Stands Looking.
He was a US Army Scout and a progressive leader who promoted education for his people and friendly association with whites. He was one of the first Native people to participate in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show and he supported the Carlisle Indian School.


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