It’s been well documented

t’s been well documented that Michael was friends with Queen, and enjoyed going to their concerts. He was actually a Freddie fanatic!
Michael suggested Queen release ‘Another One Bites The Dust.’ He heard the song and said, “Freddie, you need a song the cats can dance to.” Michael loved the beat, “That's it, that's the gravy. Release it and it will top the charts,” he said.
Freddie said, “I knew we had a hit as Michael bobbed his head up and down. So we did and it was huge!”
“In the early days, three, four years ago, he used to come and see our shows at The Forum in L.A., and I guess he liked us and so I got to meet him,” Mercury told music journalist Lisa Robinson in a 1983 interview. He kept coming to see us and then we started talking and, in those days, I think he would actually go out. He’d go out and have dinners. I remember going to dinner with him”.


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