
Radiant wise spirit tarot

De hoge priesteres en de magiƫr! Energie balans. De situatie waar jij je in bevindt heeft je bewust gemaakt van de balans die jij nodig hebt in jezelf. Zodra je voelt dat je uit balans bent, merk je dat er dingen fout gaan of dat je pijn krijgt op bepaalde punten in je lichaam. Zodra je je bewust bent van de disbalans kun je op onderzoek uitgaan in jezelf. Je beseft je dat je een spiritueel wezen bent die een menselijke ervaring heeft. Omarm jouw authentieke spirituele zijn met liefde en stap vooruit op je aardse pad. --------------------------- The high priestess and the magician! Energy balance. The situation you are in is making you aware that you need balance in your life. As doon as you feel out of balance, you notice that things go wrong or that you are having pain at certain points in your body. As soon as you are aware of the disbalance you can go and do some inner research. You are aware that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Embrace your authentic spiritual...

09 Deep Philosophy Quotes of "Cato"

09 Deep Philosophy Quotes of "Cato" 1. The worst ruler is one who cannot rule himself. . 2. We cannot control the evil tongues of others, but a good life enables us to disregard them. . 3. The hero saves us. Praise the hero! Now, who will save us from the hero? . 4. After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one. . 5. I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches the nearest God who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right. . 6. Anger so clouds the mind that it cannot perceive the truth. . 7. He who fears death has already lost the life he covets. . 8. An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes. . 9. I can pardon everybody's mistakes except my own.

Bruce Weigert Paltrow

  11.26.1943 - Bruce Weigert Paltrow, television and film director and producer, husband of actress Blythe Danner, and father of actress Gwyneth and Jake Paltrow, was born in Brooklyn. His family were Jewish immigrants from Eastern/Central Europe (Poland, Russia, Belarus, and Lithuania. Paltrow graduated from at Tulane University in New Orleans in 1965; his roommate was Paul Michael Glaser. In the late 1960s, he began directing stage productions in NYC, where he met Blythe Danner; they married 12.14.1969. Paltrow produced the TV series "The White Shadow" and "St. Elsewhere". His last production was the film "Duets" (starring Gwyneth and Huey Lewis). Paltrow died on 10.3.2002, while vacationing in Rome, Italy, to celebrate Gwyneth's 30th birthday. Paltrow had suffered from oral cancer for several years; his death was due to complications from cancer and pneumonia. In 2007, Blythe, in cooperation with The Oral Cancer Foundation, set up a fu...

Tarot familiars

Zwaarden negen en schildknaap (knave) van bekers! Onvoorwaardelijke liefde. Dat wat jou op dit moment bezig houdt gaat niet over liefde naar de ander toe, maar liefde naar jezelf. In het verleden heb je mensen in je leven toegelaten die claimden van je te houden, maar uiteindelijk maar een klein stukje van zichzelf lieten zien of juist alleen maar met zichzelf bezig waren. Jij verdient alle liefde die jij in je hebt. Daarom is het belangrijk om allereerst zoveel van jezelf te houden dat je een ander niet meer nodig hebt. Laat de liefde voor een ander over de connectie in liefde gaan en niet over condities die aan een connectie zouden hangen of over de noodzaak om een ander in je leven te hebben. ------------------ Nine of swords and page (knave) of cups! Unconditional love. The things that are keeping you in your head right now is not concerning love for another but love for yourself. In the past you have let people in that told they loved you, but eventually gave just a piece of thems...


I CAN FOCUS SPECIFICALLY UPON WHAT I WANT You are bombarded by thought stimulations. And so, unless you give your attention to what you specifically want, you can be influenced by that which surrounds you. Unless you are focusing on what is important to you, you can be stimulated by other’s thoughts, which may or may not be important to you. So learn to specifically focus only on that which you want. GOD BLESS! All IS WELL!! Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman From The Law of Attraction Cards, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. (The Teachings of Abraham).

It is as if life

“It is as if life, when it is truly being lived, were a series of birth canals. We go along for a period of time, then suddenly or gradually we are no longer satisfied. Our job is no longer challenging, our partner is no longer exciting, the old ways no longer suffice. If we relate to the natural rhythms of the psyche, we find ourselves in a womb, withdrawn from the world, no longer sure who we are or where we are going. If we can stay with the pain of the death of the old, and bear the crucifixion of the transition, eventually we are born anew. We may enjoy the plateau for a few years, then the opposites begin to break apart again, forcing us to new levels of consciousness. Sometimes we feel we are moving up, sometimes down- whichever way is both up and down. The lotus flower that opens to the sun has its roots deep in the nourishing mud.” -Marion Woodman (Art: Marmoud Farshchian)

Mabel Paige

  Mabel Paige (December 19, 1880 – February 9, 1954) She was born in New York, New York and began acting at age four. She went on to appear in dozens of popular stage plays, including Little Lord Fauntleroy in 1892, Rip van Winkle in 1899, and At Cozy Corners in 1905. In the South, she became particular a favorite and was acclaimed as the "Idol of the South." Her Mabel Paige Theatrical Company toured the region for many years. She later acted in more than 50 films between 1914 and 1953. In her first silent films for the Lubin Company, she co-starred in romantic comedies with Oliver Hardy as her leading man. One of Paige's last appearances as an actress was on the CBS-TV sitcom I Love Lucy. That episode, "The Girls Go Into Business", aired on October 12, 1953, four months before Paige's death at the age of 73. She died in Van Nuys, California from a heart attack on February 9, 1954. Paige is buried at Valhalla Memorial Park in North Hollywood, California.  

Er is een verleden dat je achtervolgt!

Er is een verleden dat je achtervolgt! Dat loopt elke dag achter je aan En je biedt hem onbewust je tranen aan. Hij vraagt en jij zegt niets. Zonder teveel na te denken laat je hem elke dag in je leven. Maar kijk eens in de spiegel kijk goed naar die aan de andere kant van de spiegel Je bent niet meer het kind van gisteren. Je springt niet meer rond bloemenvelden. Zijn anderen, jouw dromen . Wat is de tijd voorbij gevlogen. Je hebt nog wat jaren. Je hebt zoveel herinneringen opgebouwd, ten koste van alle valpartijen die je hebt genomen. Er waren dagen dat je op je huid het gevoel van verlies voelde. Sommige dagen voel je je gewoon een echte winnaar, je kijkt rond en de wereld voelt zelfs alsof het van jou is. Leen je tranen dus niet uit aan het verleden. Hypotheek je lach niet op wat niet terugkomt. Kijk naar je en zie hoe mooi je bent. De tijd heeft je schoonheid gebracht, je aangekleed in de kleur van dromen. De tijd heeft in je een ziel achtergelaten die gekleed is met puurheid. De ...

George Francis "Gabby" Hayes

  George Francis "Gabby" Hayes (May 7, 1885 – February 9, 1969) He was best known for his numerous appearances in Western films as the colorful sidekick of the leading man. Hayes, in real life an intelligent, well-groomed and articulate man, was often cast as a grizzled codger who uttered phrases such as "consarn it", "yer durn tootin'", "dadgummit", "durn persnickety female", and "young whippersnapper." From 1935 to 1939, Hayes played the part of Windy Halliday, the sidekick to Hopalong Cassidy (played by William Boyd). In 1939, Hayes left Paramount Pictures in a dispute over his salary and moved to Republic Pictures. Paramount held the rights to the name Windy Halliday, so the nickname Gabby was created for Hayes's character. As Gabby Whitaker, he appeared in more than 40 films between 1939 and 1946, usually with Roy Rogers (44 times), but also with Gene Autry and Wild Bill Elliott, often working under the directorsh...

The good tarot.

Schildknaap van zwaarden (air) en staven (fire) twee! Stappen zetten. Keuzes die je in je verleden gemaakt hebt, hebben invloed op waar je nu staat. Dat wil niet zeggen dat waar je nu bent is waar je wilt zijn. Elk moment van de dag kun je een beslissing maken om je leven om te gooien en je hart te volgen. Door te zeggen dat het nu de tijd niet is, zeg je tegen jezelf dat je toegeeft aan je angst. En dat je het jezelf niet waard vind om jouw aller mooiste leven te leven. Sta jezelf toe om je dromen uit te laten komen. Zet je negatieve overtuigingen aan de kant. Open je armen en ontvang jouw dromen. ----------------- Page of swords (air) and two of wands (fire)! Taking steps. Choices made in the past are of influence of where you are now. That does not mean that where you are now is where you want to be. Every moment of every day you can make the descision to turn around your life en to follow your heart. By telling yourself that it is not the time now, you are giving into your fears. A...

Jane Parker

Jane Parker, later Lady Rochford is a controversial character. Near-contemporary sources accuse her of testifying against her husband, George and his sister Anne Boleyn, helping to cause their destruction. More recently, researchers and writers have sought to rehabilitate her reputation. They argue she remained a loyal member of the Boleyn family. Recently, I’ve been reading James Taffe’s new biog of Jane. It’s excellent and it makes a compelling case for Jane’s betrayal of George and Anne. Interested to get everyone else’s take on Jane Parker…

Vera Ralston

  Vera Ralston, born Věra Helena HrubĆ” (July 12, 1920 – February 9, 2003) She worked as an actress during the 1940s and  1950s. As  a figure skater, she represented Czechoslovakia in competition under her birth name Věra HrubĆ”. She competed at the 1936 European Figure Skating Championships and placed 15th. Later that season, she competed at the 1936 Winter Olympics, where she placed 17th. During the games, she personally met and insulted Adolf Hitler. Hitler asked her if she would like to "skate for the swastika." As she later boasted, "I looked him right in the eye, and said that I'd rather skate on the swastika. The FĆ¼hrer was furious. She moved to Hollywood with her mother and signed a contract in 1943 with Republic Pictures. During her career she was known as Vera HrubĆ” Ralston and later Vera Ralston. She normally played an immigrant girl, because of her limited English skills. Among the 26 films Ralston starred in were Storm Over Lisbon with Erich von Stroheim (...

Dark fairytale tarot

Staven acht en de magiƫr! Heldere communicatie. Al maanden heb je je dromen voor ogen en weet je wat je het liefste wilt. Je hebt je bestelling aan het universum gecommuniceerd, maar de manifestatie is nog niet in jouw wereld gemanifesteerd en nu begin je te twijfelen of het ooit nog komt. Ben duidelijk in wat je wilt manifesteren. Stem je af op dat wat je wilt, ben specifiek in waar je naar verlangt en voel hoe je leven eruit ziet als bijvoorbeeld deze persoon, deze baan of deze kast in jouw leven is. Vertrouw er dan op dat het komt. Ga er niet op wachten maar ga verder met je leven. Sta toe dat de manifestatie in jouw leven mag komen door het jezelf te gunnen. ---------------------------- Eight of wands and the magician! Clear communication. For months you have your dreams worked out and you know what you want most. You have communicated your wishes towards the universe but it has not manifested in your world yet and now you have doubts if it ever will be manifested. Be clear in what...

John William "Johnny" Carson

  John William "Johnny" Carson (October 23, 1925 – January 23, 2005) He was best known for his thirty years as host of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962–1992). Carson received six Emmy Awards, the Governor's Award, and a 1985 Peabody Award. He was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1987. Johnny Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1992 and received a Kennedy Center Honor in 1993. Although his show was already successful by the end of the 1960s, during the 1970s Carson became an American icon and remained so even after his retirement in 1992. He adopted a casual, conversational approach with extensive interaction with guests, an approach pioneered by Arthur Godfrey and previous Tonight Show hosts Steve Allen and Jack Paar. Former late-night host and friend, David Letterman, cited Carson's influence. Carson reportedly loathed what he perceived as disloyalty, and he was displeased when former Tonight Show guest hosts John ...

Gold foil tarot.

Ridder van bekers en de zon! Laat je liefde schijnen. De obstakels op relaties waar je in het verleden tegenaan bent gelopen, hebben plaats gemaakt voor liefde. Je bent je bewust dat liefde voor jezelf belangrijk is om liefde te kunnen geven aan een ander. Dat je jezelf op alle vlakken lief hebt. Emotioneel, mentaal, spiritueel en lichamelijk. Vergeef jezelf voor de keren dat je niet aardig was tegen je lichaam, of dat je boos was op je gedachten of dat je je emoties weg stopte omdat ze op dat moment te zwaar waren om onder ogen te zien of dat je de connectie met het universum weg gestopt hebt omdat het niet paste in de maatschappij. Ben dankbaar voor de lessen en doordrenk jezelf met trots en liefde. -------------------------- Knight of cups and the sun! Let love shine. The obstacles on relationships that you have encountered in the past, have been replaced by love. You are aware that love for yourself is important in order to give love to another. That you love yourself on all levels...