Trivia of William Powell

 Trivia of William Powell (29 July 1892 - 5 March 1984)

*He began his Hollywood career in 1922, playing a small role as an evil henchman of Professor Moriarty in a production of Sherlock Holmes with John Barrymore.
*First actor to portray the character of George Wilson on-screen in The Great Gatsby (1926).
*He married Carole Lombard in 1931 and divorced in 1933.In movie My Man Godfrey (1936), William Powell suggested his ex-wife Carole Lombard for the leading role with the explanation that his real -life romance with her had been much the same as it was for the characters of Godfrey and Irene.Both Powell and Lombard nominated in Oscar for their perform.
*Was in a relationship with his co star in Reckless (1935) and Libeled Lady (1936), Jean Harlow for two years before her death and paid for her funeral, costing $30,000. For many years he made sure fresh flowers were always present at her grave.
*Powell appeared as Nick Charles in six Thin Man films, beginning with The Thin Man in 1934, based upon Dashiell Hammett's novel. This movie provided Powell with his first Academy Award nomination, in 1935.
*If her cameo in The Senator Was Indiscreet (1947) is counted, Myrna Loy co-starred with William Powell in 14 times. Besides the six Thin Man films, the others were Manhattan Melodrama (1934), Evelyn Prentice (1934), The Great Ziegfeld (1936), Libeled Lady (1936), Double Wedding (1937), I Love You Again (1940) and Love Crazy (1941).William Powell spoke of how much he loved working with Myrna Loy because of her naturalness, her professionalism, and her lack of any kind of "diva" temperament. "When we did a scene together, we forgot about technique, camera angles, and microphones. We weren't acting. We were just two people in perfect harmony," he said. "Myrna, unlike some actresses who think only of themselves, has the happy faculty of being able to listen while the other fellow says his lines. She has the give and take of acting that brings out the best."
*Had difficulties retaining his lines during the filming of Mister Roberts (1955), something that had not happened to him in earlier films; this was one of the reasons why this was his final film appearance. Frail health, including bouts with cancer, led to his retirement decision.


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